Ben Barber and Joshua Erde, Discrete Analysis 2018:7, 16 pp. pdf
Tag: isoperimetry
Partition regularity and other combinatorial problems
This is the imaginative title of my PhD thesis. It contains four unrelated pieces of work. (I was warned off using this phrasing in the thesis itself, where the chapters are instead described as “self-contained”.) The first and most substantial concerns partition regularity. It is a coherent presentation of all of the material from Partition …
A note on balanced independent sets in the cube
Australas. J. Combin. 52 (2012), 205–207. PDF How large can an independent set in the discrete cube be if it contains equal numbers of sets of even and odd size? Take odd sets starting from the bottom of the cube, and even sets starting from the top. Proving that this works uses an isoperimetric inequality: …