Random Structures and Algorithms 2017

A partial, chronologically ordered, list of talks I attended at RSA in Gniezno, Poland. Under construction until the set of things I can remember equals the set of things I’ve written about. Shagnik Das A family of subsets of that shatters a -set has at least elements. How many -sets can we shatter with a …

Partition regularity and other combinatorial problems

This is the imaginative title of my PhD thesis.  It contains four unrelated pieces of work.  (I was warned off using this phrasing in the thesis itself, where the chapters are instead described as “self-contained”.) The first and most substantial concerns partition regularity.  It is a coherent presentation of all of the material from Partition …

Maximum hitting for n sufficiently large

Barber, B. Graphs and Combinatorics (2014) 30: 267. PDF Borg asked what happens to the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem if we only count sets meeting some fixed set , and answered the question for , the size of the sets in the set family. This paper answers the question for , provided , the size of the …